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13 Oct 2020
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What is the difference between insufficient and deficient?
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13 Oct 2020
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- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 707
Answer: 99
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"Insufficient" means "not good enough."
"Deficient" means "doesn't have enough of something" or "lacking something important."
For example:
- "Your grades are insufficient to enter that college."
- "There was insufficient evidence to arrest the criminal."
- "Women who are dieting can become iron deficient."
- "I wanted to help people, but I am deficient in the qualities of a teacher."
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13 Oct 2020
- English (US)
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Medically? Medically, deficient is even lower/worse than insufficient.
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13 Oct 2020
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 707
Answer: 99
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"Insufficient" means "not good enough."
"Deficient" means "doesn't have enough of something" or "lacking something important."
For example:
- "Your grades are insufficient to enter that college."
- "There was insufficient evidence to arrest the criminal."
- "Women who are dieting can become iron deficient."
- "I wanted to help people, but I am deficient in the qualities of a teacher."
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13 Oct 2020
- English (US)Near fluent
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depends on the context, if it's medically deficient is a very bad injury or something like that, it's worse than insufficient.
you can also be talking about someone's qualities or abilities.
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